Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Artist Spotlight: A Banquet

Hey everyone!

Starting the day off with an all new edition of Artist Spotlight! Today, we head overseas to Prague, Czech Republic and discover the experimental sounds of A Banquet. The group consists of Mathieu on vocals, guitars, and synths, Michael on bass, guitar, piano, synths, and backup vocals, and Richard on drums and percussion. The group has a heavy electronic influence to them, which is melded together with intricate synthesizers and heavy duty guitar riffs that when brought together, create a whole other dimension of music that is a huge departure from the ordinary type of music currently out there today. I really admire the bands' ability to perfectly capture and hone their sound into something that other music listeners can quickly adapt to and listen to on a regular basis, something that is normally difficult for this genre of music due to listeners specific music tastes or other phenomena that sometimes turns other people away from this type of music. A highly ambitious band with a great deal of promise to turn heads over here in the United States. Some recommended tracks for you to discover from the group include "Blue Feelings" and "Carved Out".

For more information on A Banquet, head on over to their Facebook page and 'Like' it at: www.facebook.com/abanquet and discover what the group is all about. The band is also available to be followed on Twitter at: www.twitter.com/abanquet where listeners can find out what the band is up to at this very minute. If you want to listen to the band's music and to find out where they'll be on tour next, cruise on over to their official website at: www.a-banquet.com where you can also find merch among a plethora of other features pertaining to the band.

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