Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Interview w/ Vacationer

Halfway through the week, and ready for another installment of my continuing interview series! Today, I'm particularly pleased to bring you an interview with one of my favorite new acts of the past year, Vacationer. The Philadelphia based band released their debut album last year "Gone" that has a perfect harmonic state of mind with ethereal melodies and warm, inviting instrumentation that just begs to be played in your stereo all summer long. Recently, frontman Kenny Vasoli was gracious enough to devote some time to talk a little bit about the band's beginnings and where that brim of positivity emanates from that is so eloquently articulated in his music. And here is the transcript from that interview:

Give us your names and state your roles in the band?

Ken- Bass/Vocals 
Ryan- Drums
Greg- Guitar/Vocals
Mike- Keys etc./Vocals
Matt- Vibes etc./Vocals

How did you guys all meet and when did the band form?

Ryan and I have been good friends since we were 14, playing in bands all the while.  I met Greg about 8 years ago through a band he use to play in called Like Lions, I was introduced to Mike through him a few years ago.  Matt and I met 3 years ago and immediately began collaborating on what became Vacationer once I became aware of the music he and Grant were making with Body Language.
What subject matter typically revolves around your music and what artists largely inspired the overall sound of it?

I try to write centrally around love and relaxation. The project was conceived at a time in my life when I was deeply in love and relaxed in life so I like to stay honed on that vibe.  I can still write about a subject that is a considerable bummer from my life (writing is a great release to work those things out) but I try to be conscious of not placing that bummer on the listener.

At your live shows, you sometimes feature vintage vacation movies in the background as you play, how did that idea come about? 

Matt planted the idea in my head early on to show visuals while we play live.  I was determined to make that happen and started putting the wheels in motion.  He pointed me towards some golden public domain footage and I started editing and then invested in a projector.  I like to make it clear where I'd like our music to take people and that is some where relaxing and exotic.  I spell it out as much as possible.

Describe the recording process for "Gone" and what that whole experience was like?

It all started out with a simple bass line and four-on-the-floor kick pattern during our first session, that idea became the song Great Love within a few days of working together.  The rest fell into place very quickly through Matt and Grant sending me loops to write to.  I would lay down guitars and vocals over top of their tracks at home and then head to Brooklyn to record the final versions with them.  I'd say we would average about a song and a half per session.  Those guys are so streamlined in how they work, the production seems to flow easily while we work together.

Looking back and listening to this album, what emotions and/or feelings does it conjure up for you personally?

It's bittersweet because the relationship I was in while making Gone ended, but it does remind me of those blissful feelings very vividly and I'm grateful to remember that.  I still love playing and listening to those songs. It's all worked on because I'm once again in a relaxed and loving period of my life so I won't have to turn to the dark side in my writing.

What are some of your favorite tracks off of the album that you look back fondly on?

Good As New is one of my favorites. I wrote it about my dog, Ollie, a few weeks after I adopted him.  He's my first dog and we are crazy about each other.  It was nice to find a way to write a love song that wasn't about romantic interests, or even a human for that matter.  I also really like Be With You. It's simple and honest, which is what I gravitate to most in music I listen to.

What effect has music had on your personal lives, any memorable experiences you can think of?

It's afforded me the opportunity to travel and meet new amazing people.  I can't believe I've been able to perform in Iceland and meet James Murphy, it's mind-blowing for me. Most importantly the new friends I've made with Matt, Grant and Mike are priceless for me.  They are total keepers.
Unwinding before or after a show, what do you guys like to do in your spare time to relax?

We usually just sing together before we take the stage, we'll do some scales and sing the harmonies to Everyone Knows.  Afterwards we'll usually have a beer and a laugh together.

Lastly, what's coming up next for the band? Can we expect any tour dates or new music coming up on the horizon?

We are playing the Kahbang festival in Maine this Friday and we'll probably throw a party in Philly in early September.  Besides that we are working on finishing LP2, we currently have 6 new songs recorded.
Thanks to Kenny for taking some time out to do this interview! Be sure to check them out in concert if you haven't already, especially the aforementioned Kahbang Festival taking place this Friday in Bangor, ME. They are definitely one of the most riveting and unique live acts you'll experience and they've definitely left an indelible impression on me that's for sure! If you would like to check out their music, 'Like' them on Facebook here, follow them on Twitter here, and visit their official website here. Pick up their album "Gone" if you haven't already, now available on iTunes, Amazon MP3, Spotify, and a host of other select digital music retail outlets.

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