Friday, March 22, 2013

Interview w/ Gentlemen Hall

Today, we have another entry in my ongoing interview series on the blog. To round out the week, we check in with Boston's own fun loving rock sensations Gentlemen Hall. You may remember they were an Artist Spotlight feature on the blog a few weeks back, and they were kind and gracious enough to sit down for an in depth chat so that we can get a chance to know them a little better, and get a sense of the band's beginnings and where they all their positive energy emanates from and shines brightly in their music. Here is the full transcript from that interview:

- What are your names and roles in the band?
Gavin Merlot: vocals/guitar
Cobi Mike : vocals/guitar
Seth Hachen: flute
Brad Alderman: synthesizers
Rory Given: bass
Phil Boucher: drums

- How did you guys meet and when did the band form?
We met in school, where we each had a common interest in spending our time listening to and writing the music we really vibe on.  Our first show was May of 2008 but it was mostly accidental.  We'd just been having fun writing music and jamming together in our basement before that.

- How would you characterize the sound of the band to those who aren't too familiar with you guys?

A Smörgåsbord of alternative rock with modern sounds and a take-you-on-a-journey flute.  We're often compared to bands like The Killers and Passion Pit. 

- What artists inspired you while growing up and how have they helped influence the sound of the band?
The six of us have different musical backgrounds, but the common thread is meaningful, interesting songwriting.  So bands like The Beatles, The Smashing Pumpkins and The Flaming Lips are good examples.

- You guys recently just performed at SXSW, can you tell us what that whole experience was like?
We took this year off from SX to focus on finishing our new record, but can't say enough good things about it in the past.  Going down there and playing multiple shows a day over a week is a lot of fun, but it's even more fun to see and meet a whole boatload of bands you hadn't known of before.  Nonstop music of all genres.  Paradise.

- What is your favorite thing about performing live and how does it make you all feel?

The best part of a great show is a great crowd.  When the audience is vibing off your sound and energy, they give it right back.  All of a sudden you are taken over by this sense of one-ness, it's like a deep, spiritual, tribal connection.  And to be supplying the foundation for that is an electric experience.  

- What is the inspiration behind your song "All Our Love", and what the lyrics are about?
-These days, it feels like almost all the news is bad news.  "All Our Love" is meant to be a rallying cry to remember how right it felt to be young, with nothing but the best intentions for one another. 

- Away from music, what do you guys like to do in your spare time for leisure?

It's a rare day that we are away from the music, but when we are you can usually find us in venues checking out other acts.  Boston has a lot of other great options to explore depending on the season, but it's more about who you spend the time with than it is what you do.  

- What's coming up next for the band this year, are you guys planning on recording a new album in the not too distant future?

You can expect a lot from us this year!  We're almost done with our new record and the plan is to hit the road this Summer to spread the word following its Spring release.  We think the new songs have turned out great and are really looking forward to sharing them!

- Lastly, how influential have your fans been in getting you to this point, especially those from the Boston area?

Oh wow.  Not sure if it's possible to articulate how important our fans have been.  GH fans have so passionately backed this band over our five-year career.  They've never hesitated to spend their time helping us out on our various campaigns, coming to our shows and spending time together afterwards.  Boston has been amazing, it's doesn't feel so much a band / fans experience as it is a tight community for us.  Can't imagine a better group!

Thanks once again to the fellows in Gentlemen Hall for being so gracious enough in carving out some time from their busy schedules to conduct this interview. These guys are definitely a band to keep a close eye on in the Boston scene as they definitely have the mindset and charisma to take it to the next level. If you haven't already, 'Like' them on Facebook here and follow them on Twitter right over here.

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