Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Melanie Lynx - Naked Heart EP

Boston based singer songwriter Melanie Lynx has released her much anticipated debut EP Naked Heart. The disc is a wonderful collection of compositions that presents Melanie as a burgeoning singer-songwriter coming into her own and discovering her voice that doesn't need to rely on the instrumentation at hand, it just does its own thing.

We start things off with "Wasted", an downtempo tune with a slight electronic twist to it that adds a air of diversity and a certain level of anticipation as to what to expect as we delve further into the disc. My favorite track off the EP is the upbeat "Perfectly Flawed", a slice of heaven with breezy instrumentation and Melanie's voice hitting a high benchmark that encapsulates the entire sound of the effort as a whole and what her overall musical goal is moving forward. "First Time" is a song you may already be familiar with as it released before the EP came out, and is the perfect track that highlights the sheer power of Melanie's voice, its capabilities, and what emotions it elicits in its prospective listeners. "I Spy" evokes the sound of Katy Perry, and features some nifty guitar arrangements and Melanie's vocal abilities once again doing their thing and powering the song all the way to the finish line. We wrap things up with the EP's title track, a haunting, emotional powerhouse with Melanie's voice expressing her innermost feelings and stripping the song down to its bare bones essence that shows the skeletal outline of a well composed and written track that allows the disc to come full circle in its offerings and close things out the way it was intended to. I've had the pleasure of featuring Melanie on the blog as an Artist Spotlight feature several months back, and it's really refreshing to see artists willing to put their emotions on display, and show the raw abilities that they've been eager to showcase to a willing and devoted listening audience that is clamoring to know more about her as a person as well.

In retrospect, a terrific and well constructed debut effort from Melanie Lynx, who is a different breed of singer-songwriter who is not afraid to bare all emotionally, and put it all out there for everyone to catch a glimpse of and just stand there in awe of her presence.

                                                                                                                                    EP Score: 4/5

Track Listing:
  1. Wasted
  2. Perfectly Flawed
  3. This Time
  4. I Spy
  5. Naked Heart

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